The Incredibles (Movie Review)
The latest offering from Pixar/Disney continues their streak of films that are entertaining for people of all ages. The Incredibles is not in the same league with the Toy Story movies (what is?), but it still makes for a fun day at the local movie joint.
The Incredibles are a family with "special powers." Mr. Incredible (the dad) and Helen a.k.a Elastigirl (the mom) used to be superheroes back in the day, before a series of lawsuits brought about the outlawing of super heroics. So now, poor Mr. and Helen are forced to drag themselves through long, boring days like the rest of us...ahem, I mean the rest of you...that do not have super powers. Mr. grows to be frustrated and distracted (not to mention...fat) by all of this inactivity. He longs for those days of yesteryear, when he was an idol and hero to the world. He hangs out with his buddy Frozone, voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, as they spend their nights talking about the good ol' days while listening to the police scanner for any chance to secretly help people in need. One day, an opportunity arises that Mr. just can't refuse...the possibility of being incredible once again.
And kids, that is where our adventure truly begins. You see...Mr. "not so" Incredible goes and gets himself into some trouble and needs to be rescued by the wife and kids. So Helen (with super stretching abilities), daughter Violet (she can turn invisible and has a force field) and son Dash (you guessed it...he runs REALLY fast) set off to save poor ol' Pa from the villains of the world. I will not ruin the remainder of the story, but rest assured, there is plenty of action, adventure and humor to keep you thoroughly entertained. If you like animated movies, I definitely recommend you check this one out.
On a final note I have a couple of additional observations: 1) Helen/Elastigirl is played by Holly Hunter who has one of the all-time most annoying voices. I'm not sure who thought using her was a good idea...because it wasn't. 2) Frozone, as voiced by Mace Windu, is freakin' hilarious. In fact, he deserves his own movie.