Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Attention Dumbasses

I am so tired of hearing/seeing people complain about how the election is "rigged" or that there is some "conspiracy" out there. All of this comes because some people are pissed that the lines are long or they just can't figure out how to vote. Men and women of America, if you cannot figure out how to cast your ballot, it is a sign...a sign that you were not meant to vote...a sign that you are a total nimrod.

I mean how hard is this? How hard is it to slide a piece of paper into a slot? How hard is it to punch a hole? How hard is it to punch the hole directly across from the candidate of your choice? Apparently it is VERY hard...if you listen to some of these boneheads. How do some of these people make it through life? (I know Ryan...some of them don't) It must be a freakin' miracle that they can feed themselves and find their way to work each day.

But as usual, it is much easier to blame everyone else for their stupidity. Attention: stop blaming Bush for the "conspiracy" and stop blaming Kerry for the "rigging." The true mastermind behind this "Great Conspiracy" is God...because He is the one that made you a complete and total dumbass.


At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can someone who cannot punch a hole procreate?

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Florida case from 2000 was not a conspiracy, but was arguably a poorly designed ballot. Known as the "butterfly ballot", it had names of candidates on both sides, and ambiguous holes in the middle of the ballot.

However, I do not believe it was a conspiracy. The state went to Bush, but the ballot was designed by the state election official who is a Democrat.

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Brian said...

I agree. We should start a grassroots campaign to get the Virginia Constitution changed. But that sounds like a lot of work...so, instead we should just send all of our idiots to New Jersey. Yeah, that sounds good.

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every state has this law. I'm sure if you scoured hard enough, you would find it in Viginia too. They refer to "idiot" simply as one deemed by a court not competent to make decisions for oneself.


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