Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Aviator (Movie Review)

Ok, I am way behind with my movie reviews (five of them…to be exact) and it has really been bothering me. So I’ve decided that since these movies have all been out for a really long time…I’m just going to do short little reviews and then move on with my life. That way I can get back to reviewing movies as soon as I see them. Sound good? Great.

First up…The Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and the most excellent girl in all the land…Kate Beckinsale. DiCaprio plays Howard Hughes, a really weird rich guy that comes to Hollywood in the 1920s with dreams of making BIG movies with BIG special effects…especially movies with airplanes. This movie covers Hughes career in Hollywood, his ownership of a huge airline company, his battles with the government and his downfall into a life full of eccentricities and alcohol. I knew absolutely nothing about Howard Hughes before I saw this film. Jack Dawson…I mean Leonardo DiCaprio gives a good performance and is very deserving of his Oscar nomination. Cate Blanchett supposedly is dead-on in her portrayal of Katherine Hepburn (I have no idea) but in my opinion it was the most annoying performance of the year.

The Aviator is a very interesting film, especially if you are interested in the early days of special effects. It is slow at times, but is definitely worth checking out…although I do not think it should have been nominated for Best Picture.


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