Elektra (Movie Review)
**If you have seen this movie or any of the other movies I have reviewed, feel free to post comments regarding your opinions of the film(s). Even if you only say "I liked it" or "it really sucked" I think it would be cool for people to see other opinions. But maybe that's just me.
Anyway, on with the review...
Elektra starring Jennifer Garner is the first "superhero" movie of 2005. And as much as it pains me to say it...it is also the worst movie I have seen so far this year. The previews for this movie worried me a little...ok a lot...but I went to see it anyway because I like superhero movies and because, well...Jennifer Garner is pretty hot. But as hard as I tried to enjoy this movie...I just couldn't...it's a mess.
The movie is kind of a sequel to Daredevil (a very underrated film). However, there are no mentions of Daredevil and in fact it's almost like they are pretending that the previous movie never took place at all. The concept of the movie is that Elektra has been trained in martial arts and other ninja type things since a very young age. Now she makes her living as a professional assassin. She has been hired to kill a man and his 13 year old daughter. It turns out that there is more to this young girl than meets the eye. But, Elektra just can't go through with the murders and instead ends up protecting the family from others sent to perform the job she couldn't.
There are many problems with this movie but I will focus on the two major issues. The first is the storyline involving the 13 year old girl. One of my pet peeves with movies is annoying child characters/actors...and let me tell you...this girl wins the prize as one of the most annoying characters ever. But the real question is, why is so much of the story focused on the girl instead of Elektra? The second key problem is the bewildering lack of fight scenes. There are few things more entertaining than a hot girl that can kick ass (i.e. Buffy, Trinity, Jessica Biel in the new Blade movie, etc.) so I wonder why the story didn't feature more ninja rumbles. Perhaps I do know...because the couple of fights that did take place were terrible...especially the final "battle".
There is plenty more that I can say but I have wasted enough time on this movie. Elektra was a very disappointing film and I recommend that you wait until it comes to cable to watch it.
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